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Pulse Secure for Government
Federated visibility and control for Smart Government

Visibility and Assurance for e-Public Services (Civic public services)

Visibility and Assurance for e-Public Services (Civic public services)

Seeking to improve citizen services for the digital individual, leaders of “smart cities” are re-inventing and streamlining today’s public services. Local experiments include “smart parking” that helps commuters find spots (and streamlines city enforcement) via their in-dash navigation or smartphone. To ensure an appropriate and consistent level of security, government IT organizations must demonstrate and maintain compliance with a large and growing number of regulations, directives, and standards.


Civic-ready Secure Access

Civic-ready Secure Access

Multi-tier 'Acceptable Use' security policies across federal, state and local branches for public sector employees, contractors, and citizens.

Cyber Readiness Inspection

Cyber Readiness Inspection
Comprehensive policy-based access control that offers real-time monitoring and automated remediation.

Interoperability to Existing Networking Infrastructure

Interoperability to Existing Networking Infrastructure

e-Government mandates interoperability for improved efficiency, transparency, accountability, and access. Policy Secure interoperates with any vendor's standards-compliant switching and wireless infrastructure. We have enhanced vendor-specific customization for integration with Cisco, Aruba, Ruckus.


Solution Components

  • Secure Access Appliance
    Use your PSA, MAG or virtual appliance.
  • Pulse Policy Secure
    Requires Pulse Policy Secure software running on your appliance.

Institutional-grade Secure Access for Federal, State, and Local Entities

Pulse Policy Secure offers comprehensive network access control to streamline context-aware access and information sharing for trusted contractors, research organizations, and the public.

Institutional-grade Secure Access for Federal, State, and Local Entities


Citizen-grade Guest Access

Citizen-grade Guest Access

Remove cumbersome and resource-intensive guest access interface and offer simple café-like access to resources for your constituents.

Civic Compliance

Civic Compliance

Comply with North American, European and international regulatory mandates and directives designed to protect sensitive information, from FISMA to ENISA.

Control Inside and APT Attacks

Control Inside and APT Attacks

Monitor network activity and health with the ability to link into an Advanced Threat Protection and Mitigation System.

Community-based BYOD

Community-based BYOD

Meet multi-level security policies of federal, state, and local with a dynamic context-aware (who, what, when, where) platform that supports pervasive access.

Comprehensive Network IQ

Comprehensive Network IQ

Offers a coordinated cross-platform network collaboration among parts of the IT infrastructure from asset and configuration management to SIEM.

Unified Remote/Onsite Access

Unified Remote/Onsite Access

Provide an optimal and cost-effective secure access experience for those workers who frequently commute remote to onsite.

How It Works:

How It Works

Pulse Policy Secure delivers simple, secure network, and application access control with a standards-based, granular solution that provides secure access based on context (user identity, device type, integrity, and location). Policy Secure supports phased deployments and can scale to support global distributed organizations. Policy Secure uses three core components; Appliance (Pulse PSA Series, MAG Series or Virtual Appliance), Pulse Client (or Clientless), and Policy Enforcement Points (wireless access points, switches, and/or firewalls). In conjunction with Pulse Connect Secure, Policy Secure offers an optimal secure access experience for your workforce from remote to onsite via a unified client, Pulse Client.

Self-Registration + Automatic Credential Delivery
Customizable guest portal offers easy-to-use, cross-platform registration process, offering self-registration or sponsor registration, with to choose access credentials via email, SMS text, or print.

Simplified BYOD onboarding
Automated configuration of devices with settings and software for Wi-Fi, VPN and more.

Comprehensive Network Visibility & Control
Simplified auditing and monitoring of network devices enterprise wide with a seamless interoperable ecosystem of security and compliance solutions.

Automated patch assessment and remediation
Minimize downtime through automatic remediation of patches for endpoint devices and reduce operator risk via centralized policy platform to define and apply context-aware secure access.

Wizards and templates
Reduce complexity and cost of deploying and maintaining a NAC solution to address DISA guidelines and recommended cybersecurity frameworks by DoD, NIST, and JTIC.

Unified client for remote and onsite access
Single client, with host-checking capabilities, to deliver a seamless secure access experience while addressing compliance enforcement.


Download the Pulse Secure Government Solution Datasheet (.PDF)